Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Family That Shoots Together Stays Together??

Maybe not quite exact but The Shooters Party in NSW thinks that restrictions on children owning guns are unnecessary. The spin on this one is so ridiculous. When can we get rid of this single-issue party out of Parliament?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Daily Telegraph on The Shooters Party

There are two articles in the Daily Telegraph concerning the Shooters Party. One by Rhett Watson profiles the single-issue focus of the Party. The other by Simon Benson details the collapse in the relations between The Shooters and NSW Labor.

Labor has only got itself to blame over this critical deadlock in Parliament: Hatzistergos is the man who brokered the deal with The Greens that caused the ties with The Shooters to fragment.

We need to have an election before Christmas to remove the current government, and to alter the complexion of the Legislative Council so that The Shooters lose not gain places.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Clarence Girl on The Shooters. Read It!

Great post from Clarence Girl on The Shooters Party. Go and read it here.

Hatzistergos & Royal Flying Doctor Service

It's enough to make a cat laugh! John Hatzistergos is temporarily back as Minister for Health! Quick pass around a mass supply of Depend napkins because involuntary bladder leaks will coincide with our collective laughs! Pity the poor buggers at Orange begging Hatzi to save the Royal Flying Doctor Service out there!

This is the man who gave us the crappy (yes it included leaking sewage into wards) new Bathurst hospital. This is the man who cannot remember (it seems) that Orange has larger mental health facilities than does Bathurst. This is the man who gave us the April Fool's Joke press release: the Public Trustee would open up in Bathurst but months before it was going to open in Orange. Wait folks! Orange is held by the Nationals -- pffffffffffftttt nuh doesn't deserve any help. Ohhhhhhh Bathurst yay its Labor, quick give it a departmental office for this and that, don't spare the money just toss buckets of it to save Gerard's seat in 2011!

Just keep your hands off Coffs Harbour while you warm the chair! The mid North Coast cannot cope with any of Mr Hatzistergos' hospital decisions! Come to think of it neither can we stand his handling of law and justice in this state.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Why John Hatzistergos Should Resign

Read Richard Ackland's article about John Hatzistergos' attitude and actions concerning the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Yes it is sickening! Yes this man must not be allowed to get away unscathed. Yes he must be held accountable. Yes he should resign! Yes the public administration policy that Mr Hatzistergos apparently approves of, and which is implemented by his departmental Director General Laurie Glanfield, is appalling. Just read Beverley Kingston's article on the utter nonsense going on in the public service all because of the political games played by departmental heads.

UN Verdict on Australian Discrimination

Just read Clarence Girl's blog about racism and the indigenes of Australia as commented on by the UN.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

How a Merger Caused NSW Legislative Council Deadlock

I have been rummaging around various blogs and am amazed that the mainstream media has failed to uncover the full story behind the deadlock that was caused in June in the NSW Legislative Council. It seems that the NSW Attorney General Mr John Hatzistergos and his departmental bureaucrat Mr Laurie Glanfield tipped the scales.

They managed to push through a merger of two small agencies in June by gaining the support of The Greens. In exchange for that vote The Greens got Labor to undermine support for The Shooters Party's bill on National Parks access for shooting animals. Now we have a deadlock in the NSW Upper House. How is Labor going to govern from now until March 2011??? It has alienated The Shooters; The Greens won't become Labor's little helper.

Now that Nathan Rees is about to be booted out our state government is paralysed! The ALP MPs ought to pounce on Hatzistergos and Glanfield for getting the party and the Parliament into such a fix! The vain dreams of men!